a cartoon illustration of an angry bee with red eyes .

Stinging Insect Exterminator

One of the most stressful noises to hear out of nowhere is the angry buzzing of hive-dwelling, flying insects. Whether it’s yellowjackets, hornets, or wasps, the terror is the same, and with good reason, the pests seem to be in a constant state of agitation. If you happen to be unlucky enough to encounter one of the more territorial species, you might be in for a lot of running or pain, and if you’re allergic, a trip to the hospital. If you’re dealing with these buzzing horrors when you enter or exit your property, it’s time to call for some help.

One of the most frustrating insect situations you can find yourself in is being bitten and having no idea what’s feeding on you. The embodiment of this nightmare is the aptly named no-see-ums, also known as the aquatic biting midge. These teeny-tiny chompers are smaller than the tip of a pencil, but the bite feels like it came from an Anaconda. They can leave you with stinging red marks, and in some people, can even cause lesions that can last a long time.

Wasps are another story altogether. They have successfully spread across the world, except for the polar regions, and are a thriving species with tens of thousands of species identified. The most common wasp in Florida is the infamous yellowjacket. These highly territorial stingers give off an angry buzz when they feel something is too close to their hive. This would be helpful if not for the fact that they build their hives in the ground, which makes them difficult to see even if you know what to look for, and easier to stumble into. Even worse, yellowjackets tend to be nomadic, and they may travel hundreds of yards from their hives, so it’s best to be careful and avoid the entire area if possible.

Another of the most encountered flying nuisances is the paper wasp. Their nests resemble open combs made from dead wood and plants mixed with their saliva and formed into a unique umbrella shape. Once completed, the insects release a chemical to warn potential threats from getting too close. The nests are usually under decks, porches, and roof eaves, shielded from the elements. They can be very protective of their hives and can sting intruders repeatedly to get their message across.

The Bald-faced hornet is an aggressively defensive stinger that can pose a threat to humans. If you see these white-faced attackers coming at you, your best bet is to move away quickly. They usually make their egg-shaped, paper nests in bushes and low trees, although they can build them under building overhangs and roofs. They are also known for having the largest colonies of the social wasps, with 400-700 workers protecting the hive.

If you’re in South Florida, the worst of your worries should be wearing enough sunblock or forgetting your sunglasses at home. If your outdoor experience is being ruined by stinging insects, it’s time to call for assistance. Luckily for residents of Broward County, All Nix Services has everything necessary to get rid of your nuisance pest and wildlife headaches. Contact us for a free estimate on services today.

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