a brown bird with a long tail is standing on a white background .

Bird Control

They've got feathers, beaks, wings, and hollow bones. They nest in many different places, and lay eggs as opposed to giving live birth. At this point, you're probably thinking, "What are birds?" Alex!" In 2016, new research led by the American Museum of Natural History almost doubled the number of species to over 18,000. This was a mind-blowing feat when you consider that at the time, ornithologists believed they had recorded at least 95% of species in existence.

Birds are one of the oldest creatures on the planet and are taxonomically considered direct descendants of feathered flying dinosaurs. They are the closest living animal relative to alligators, crocodiles, and caimans. The two lineages are the last surviving groups of a once very large group called Archosaurs. Modern birds act differently than their much larger ancestors, but it may seem like some of them cause as much damage; three especially in South Florida, pigeons, crows, and starlings. These three culprits are responsible for a large portion of the headaches that wild birds cause humans.

Starlings have been wreaking havoc since the 1890's when a Shakespeare fan released 60 of them in Central Park in Manhattan, New York, in an attempt to introduce what he thought was the famous playwright's favorite bird. Once released, these nightmare’s numbers increased to a high of 46 million at one point, becoming one of the most common songbirds in the country. Their numbers have since dropped by half, but they still cause more than $800 million in damage to crops every year, and they bully local birds from their homes, affecting their ability to reproduce effectively. They also carry several diseases, such as salmonella, blastomycosis, and transmissible gastroenteritis. That's not even mentioning the fungus in their droppings that can cause lung infections in people.

Crows, believed to be one of the most intelligent birds, have been a sign of bad luck for generations, and with good reason. They grow to about 20 inches tall, with black feathers, legs, and beaks. They often travel in flocks, called murders, which allows them to perceive threats from far away. These supposed dark omens have strong wings and beaks, and as omnivores, when meat is available, they don't hesitate. They cause a ton of damage to crops, eating the vegetables and spreading potentially invasive seeds. Getting rid of them can be tricky, as they are clever enough to solve very complex puzzles as compared to the abilities of other animals.

Pigeons are probably the best-known flying pest. Feral pigeons descended from domestic pigeons that found their way back into the wild. While rock pigeons preferred sea cliffs and mountains, the modernized version have become accustomed to living in urban environments, replacing those natural landscapes with buildings and artificial perches. These pigeons are notorious for leaving droppings everywhere, getting into garbage, and causing destruction to our structures.

If you're living in South Florida, then you are no stranger to these problems. If these pests are flocking to your property, then it's time to contact All Nix Services. We have what it takes to take care of your wildlife and pest control needs. From birds to bugs and most things in between, let us handle your infestation problem. As always, our estimates are free. 

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