a yellow icon of a plant with leaves on a white background .

Grounds Maintenance Service

For many, keeping up the maintenance on a property falls into the, "if no one sees it, it doesn’t matter category". That’s why so many South Floridians attempt to make their front yards look like the fairways at PGA National while the rest of the property looks like something out of the Jungle Queen. Little do they know how much work goes into those fairways, and it takes a full-time staff to produce perfection. Most yards here don’t require that much work, but proper maintenance goes a long way in keeping a beautiful landscape.

Cutting the grass is on many weekend honey-do lists, and the tendency is to use our mowers like a barber uses a trimmer. The shorter, the better means more time in between cuts. However, when it comes to grass, that method can likely lead to a brown yard as the plant’s energy reserves are missing. If fertilizer is added to the crew cut, especially in our subtropical climate, it can lead to burned grass. All Nix Services has top-of-the-line lawn mowers with cutting edge (no pun intended) technology to ensure a proper height is cut.

To avoid purchasing many different pieces of lawn equipment, homeowners try the multitasking route. Results may be similar but not perfect, and using the correct tools goes a long way. It’s hard to tell the difference between an edger and a weedwhacker from the front porch, but the difference is apparent when the job is done. An edger and a weedwhacker are not the same. An edger has a blade that spins from top to bottom and cuts a uniform trench along the lawn’s border. It also creates a root barrier that prevents grass from moving into flower beds or growing over into the driveway. An edger shuld not be used to remove weeds. A weed eater uses a monofilament line, spinning side to side, to get to grass and weeds in spots where a mower can’t reach. While a weed eater can be used to edge, the lines rarely have the tight, professional look that All Nix Services can achieve using the right tools.

The South Florida climate is conducive to rapid hedge growth, and overgrown hedges are a natural haven for rats, opossums, and raccoons. Having a regularly scheduled trim can help keep the animals away, and laying down mulch can keep the plant healthy, reduce watering, prevent weeds, and add a splash of color.

If there is a signature tree in our part of the country, it’s the Palm Tree. These bad boys have evolved to survive hurricanes, and they flourish here. When palm fronds turn brown and die, they are unsightly and can harbor insect infestations. It is best to have them taken down before they fall on their own and cause property damage or injury. If your palms are under 8 feet, All Nix Services can include palm care as part of an overall maintenance plan.

When the weather is warm year-round, your weekends should be your own. Take back the relaxation time while having the most well-maintained property in the neighborhood. All Nix Services is Broward County’s best, and we can give your property the same title.

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